Washington Twp Recreation

50 Rock Rd, Long Valley, NJ 07853
Phone: (908) 876-5941

Courts and Fields Rental

Washington Township Parks and Recreation

Tennis & Basketball & Volleyball Courts

  • First come first serve/ no rental fees at this time
  • First priority for Washington Township Recreation programs
  • When there is a waiting line there will be a one hour limit
  • No private camps or paid instructions allowed

Pavilion Rental: (Permit Required)

  • $150.00 Rental Fee for Residents
  • $250.00 Rental Fee for Non-Residents
  • Must provide proof of residence

Field Usage/Rental: (Field Usage Package & Permit Required)

  • $25.00 per hour or 25% of registration for non-profit groups not within the season of sport for camps & tournaments.
  • Township recreation fields with the exception of Rock Spring Park and Palmer Park, shall be available for use only by resident groups/organizations/leagues. For purposes of this section, "resident" shall mean that at least 80% of the participants of a youth group/organization/league and at least 50% of the participants of an adult group/organization/league are residents of the Township of Washington, Morris County. The percentage limitations set forth above shall not apply to nonresident visiting groups/organizations/leagues who are participating in a game with a resident group/organization/league.
  • Rock Spring Park and Palmer Park shall be available for use by all groups/organizations/leagues, with priority for use given to resident groups/organizations/leagues. All resident (as defined in Subsection A(1) above) sport groups/organizations/leagues or other sport entities desiring to use Township recreation fields at Rock Spring Park or Palmer Park shall pay a field usage fee of $10 per participant per season per sport due two weeks prior to the first field usage. All nonresident sport groups/organizations/leagues or other sport entities desiring to use Township recreation fields at Rock Spring Park or Palmer Park shall pay a field usage fee of $20 per participant per season per sport due two weeks prior to the first field usage. Refunds of any overpayment will be issued upon receipt of a certified updated participant list.

Washington Twp

50 Rock Rd
Long Valley, NJ 07853
Phone: (908) 876-5941

Washington Township Community Center

Monday to Friday, open only during scheduled events between the hours 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM - Except during summer

Recreation Hours

Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Summer Hours

(June – August Hours)
Monday to Thursday
7:30 AM to 5:00 pm,
Offices open to public 7:30 AM to 4 PM

Staff Contacts

Darlene Hatcher
Recreation & Senior Program Director

Bernadette Meola
Recreation Asst., & Meals on Wheels Coordinator